Martin Luther King Jr. Day, is a United States holiday marking the birth date of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is one of three United States federal holidays to commemorate an individual person.
The Martin Luther King Day bill was signed by President Ronald Reagan on November 2, 1983, creating a federal holiday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
About MLK Day of Service
In 1994, Congress passed the King Holiday and Service Act, designating the Martin Luther King Jr Holiday as a national day of volunteer service. Instead of a day off from work or school, Congress asked Americans of all backgrounds and ages to celebrate Dr. King’s legacy by turning community concerns into citizen action.
The MLK Day of Service brings together people who might not ordinarily meet, breaks down barriers that have divided us in the past, leads to better understanding of ongoing relationships, and serves as an opportunity to recruit new volunteers for your ongoing work.
Participation in the MLK Day of Service has grown steadily over the past decade, with hundreds of thousands of Americans each year engaging in projects such as tutoring and mentoring children, painting schools and senior centers, delivering meals, building homes, and reflecting on Dr. King’s life and teachings. Many of the projects started on King Day continue to engage volunteers beyond the holiday and impact the community year-round.
The collaborative effort of JGGNCDC, FEEDING NORTHEAST FLORIDA and Hands On Jacksonville was able to supply the residents of CAMPUS TOWERS, a senior citizens complex, prepackaged diabetic boxes and fresh vegetables. With the help of volunteers those foods were delivered to their door. Along with the morning GIVEAWAY Hands On Jacksonville, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR FOUNDATION, and JACKSONVILLE GULLAH GEECHEE NATION CDC volunteers assembled backpacks and bags for a fresh fruit and vegetable GIVEAWAY to children that afternoon in HEMMING PLAZA. Although the scope of our event grows every year, many people are still not aware of the service component of the holiday. By encouraging the participation of as many organizations as possible, we hope to make next year’s MLK Day of Service the biggest and best ever.
JGGNCDC. Is responsible for creating and planting raised bed and in ground gardens on the grounds of a number of DCP schools throughout Jacksonville, Florida since 2006. We assist teachers and students from layout through harvest and Students are taught to prepare garden fruits and vegetables food preparation and presentation classes .